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Feb 15, 2014

We spent just about five hours - a day before Thanksgiving - in the heart of Chicago. To put it mildly: Gotham freaking City! Uncanny resemblance to virtual world (fact is, and even though, The Dark Knight series was shot in several locations here).

The Navy Pier: There it stood, Ferris wheel and all, kissing the shoreline of Lake Michigan. Late November is when winter really sets into the Windy City but that night, the air was on the cold side of perfect.

The boardwalk was tempting, tempting enough to take a stroll, back and forth. This quickly ended in a visit to Jimmy Buffet's Margaritaville. Loaded volcano nachos for everyone!

We then walked past the Children's Museum - just outside of the pier - interwoven in a glint of frosty stars.

The air got nippier and, us warmer, somewhere along Wells St, off Clarks & Division. You know what can be great on a winter's night? Little swigs of heavy cream, hazelnut and vanilla on a warm bed of liquor followed by falafel over rice.

Small moments in a big city, with soul, waiting to be discovered again.