:::: MENU ::::

Nov 3, 2016

From Catawba island, we ferried (Miller line) our hybrid Diamondbacks as the sun danced on the gentle waters of Erie, one among the Great Lakes.

On arrival, a bike map was drawn that covered a loop around the isle measuring less than a few square miles in area, and off we jaunted!

Primarily to hydrate, a halt at Heinemen’s winery was justified, a sweeping 50 acres of grapes where we procured samples of Cedar Woods Red and the Island Blush paired with an assortment of cheeses.

As warm gusts of wind stroked our faces, we rode amidst the woods to reach Stonehenge Estate, a family owned vineyard and farmhouse.

Leaving a trail of fairy dust behind and proceeding along the blissful seaside marinas and Perry’s Victory and Peace Monument, we wound up at the tip of South Bass Island.

There is an unbridled joy that accompanies the sight of the endless horizon, the rhythm of the waves, the vastness of the incredulous ocean, and losing ourselves for a while.

The patio at Hooligans was illuminated in golden light that evening. A vibrant, multi-coloured salad, an Irish sandwich on sweet potato fries and a mugful of Magners and Guinness helped us attain a state of fjaka, and we aspired for nothing more at that moment.

Post-lunch biking was tiresome but on spotting Oak Point State Park, we pulled over! Dangling our feet in the cool waters and watching as the seagulls darted about, was a dreamscape.

Riding on the silky smooth roads in the amourous dusk, we made our final stop at The South Bend Chocolate Company where we sampled cherry chocolates, double chocolate chip and vanilla ice creams.

This quixotic adventure ended with worn out muscles yet left us feeling numinous.


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